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ASCE recognizes that younger civil engineers make up the future of the profession and provides opportunities to help our Younger Members make friends in the profession, grow their careers, and develop as a leaders in their communities.


If you are age 35 or younger, ASCE has unique programming and activities just for you.  


Knoxville ASCE Younger Member's Group Social Event- December 2021

The ASCE Younger Members Group met for a social event at Casual Pint on December 16th, 2021. The group discussed their engineering careers, upcoming events for the group and enjoyed pizza, sponsored by Gresham Smith. The Younger Members Group is open to to all engineers and E.I.'s 35 years and younger, as well as college students.


The goal of the Younger Members Group is to provide opportunities and events for engineers to connect, socialize and give back to the community in exciting and enjoyable ways. Future events are being planned for 2022! 


If you would like to become a part of the Younger Members Group or have ideas for an activity, please send an email to



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